Monday, May 3, 2010

Grey's Anatomy

Okay so I just started watching Grey's Anatomy, this show is very entertaining. I have missed so much and trying to catch up is causing me to miss out on my children's growth and putting a damper on my relationship but it is sooooo worth it! j/k...but not really.

I started watching it 'by accident" you know when you are bored and just flipping through the channels. I stopped on Grey's and instantly became a fan! I watch it online everyday to catch up and my god its better than CSI. I stopped watching TV because I was so sick of all of the reality TV shows and there was nothing of substance on anymore. Who cares if RayJ finds new love or who wants to keep up with the Kardashians? Why are they famous again? But Grey's now thats entertainment and education at the same time...kinda like CSI. LOL!

I know that once I actually catch up to the current season, I will no longer be interested but what the heck, it aint killin anybody.

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